Sunday, September 20, 2009

MHK September 2009


I had organized a MHK on the eve of moving out of my current residence. Home, as near as it is to me, is quite far for most people who confirmed their participation - yet, they turned up in good numbers*. The event itself was a fantastic time spend for all those who chose to come.


The main objective of this MHK was to arrange for a place where people would not be constrained by time or resources while trying to get together and spend time at leisure. I had arranged for lunch, snacks and beverages. There was also a provision to watch a "cult" movie if everyone attending were inclined to.


The MHK was to start by 11:00 AM, but, keeping with the tradition** we started around 12:15 PM. However, once the MHK started, the tempo of the meeting picked up beyond expectations. There were more people and a whole lot more fun than an average MHK***. People played board games and group games both pre and post lunch. There was also a captivating session on Biking through the Himalayas by one of the members. It was about 8:00 PM when the meeting ended.


Time lines:

19th September 2009, Saturday

  • 12:00 PM to 2:00PM - Introductions followed by "Scotland yard" and "Cluedo"
  • 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM - Lunch and chatter
  • 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM - Some chatter but mostly "Mafia"
  • 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM - A bike journey through Leh/Ladakh/Jammu - by Gururaj Krishnamurthy
  • 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM - A short round of Pictionary with some hot payasam followed by goodbyes


Mensans: 9 (in order of appearance to MHK)

  • Gururaj, Divakaran, Sugandhi, Tharunya, Sanat, Ananth,Kiran, Rathi, Ujwal

Guests: 4 (in order of appearance to MHK)

  • Rana, Giridhar, Roopa, Manasvi

Hosts: 2

  • Ravi & his mom (Savitha Manjunath)


  • Sanat travelled from Kerala straight to the MHK and kept all of us engaged by masterfully moderating "Mafia"
  • Rathi travelled from Hyderabad straight to the MHK; she had some special sweet from Hyderabad for all who took trouble to attend the MHK
  • My mom Savitha, worked tirelessly to arrange for Lunch and Snacks - all by herself. Roopa helped her with serving
  • Around 6:30 PM, the skies opened up and there was a very heavy , incessant downpour. This caused some inconveniences to attendees as they were getting ready to head back home



A big thank you to all of you who attended this MHK. It was a terrific change for us at home. The atmosphere and fun we had during the MHK will be truly memorable.


* a total of 13 guests made it to the event

** people rarely turn up on time for MHKs, but then, you are not expected to...

*** an average MHK starts around 5:00 in the evening and lasts for only a couple of hours with anywhere between 3 to 8 people in attendance


cYb0rG said...

was awesome fun... my 1st mhk, n look fwd to many more :)

kiran said...

I thought i was large enough to be noticed wherever I went. But, even after being the Godfather once, I have been forgotten / omitted from the list of attendees. :( Nahiiiiin.....what did I do to deserve this fate?

kiran said...

Awesome MHK, all told, though. Great fun. A big thanks to your mom for teh delicious food.

Unknown said...

Oh Man! never realized bad.

No doubt about your godfather role though, you truly played well...

You are on the list now Godfather

cYb0rG said...

Splendid Godfather performance that was... :)

Rathi Sudhakar said...

Thank you so much Ravi! I had an absolutely splendid time and am glad I made it to this MHK :D! Ofcourse special thanks to your mum for the mouthwatering food!

Sugandhi said...

Thanks a lot for reviving the meets, Ravi :) And a very special thank you to your mother. Next time, hopefully, she can join us in the games :)

Sugandhi said...

oh, thanks to cYbOrG also. We hope you'll join the set of 'regulars' :)

Gaurav M said...

Hey guys,
I'd like to join these meets. I've qualified the test and have applied for membership.
Any idea who I can get in touch with in Blore ? I've tried emails ..but in vain.. Any contact number would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

since the mensa bangalore site is totally defunct i guess someone here can help me...i want to give the mensa exam in bangalore...who do i contact and when is the next test ?
anyone...reply here in the comment section...sorry for being intrusive and off topic :)